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Monday, July 4, 2016

Episode 15: "What Have You Learned?" Collected Wisdom from Nonprofit Leaders

Episode 15
By Bill Quinn

Over the last year, I've compiled thoughts from nonprofit founders, directors and volunteers here in NYC and a few from around the world. That includes innovative educators from Australia, anti poverty leaders in Manhattan and organizations bringing the latest surgical knowledge to the developing world. I remembered to ask (most of them) what they've learned in the course of their work. So, for my first (very belated) anniversary I've lovingly boxed up all their wonderful advice, wrapped it in a big bow and present it to you now. Slice yourself a piece of cake and have a listen!

For your ease and listening pleasure, download here!


You like what you hear?  Check out every episode--they're all here.

I was going to put links to every organization. But who's got the time?  Search through the post archives by scrolling down or use the links on the right.  You'll find a wealth of links for each episode!

Show Notes

So it's been a while, right??  After a significant delay, we're back. I've got some new episodes headed your way this summer so do the Twitter and Facebook thing to follow all our new shows.

Theme song: Quittin' Time (Patrick Lee) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Additional music: